When you see, or heard or think of popcorn,
what else can you think of?
Im here proudly announce that,
I've watched a lot of movies this week.
(What so proud bout it? LOL)
basically, I've break my own record.
Thats why Im here to actually write bout it LOL
29th Dec
Well, it was okay. Funny.
26th Dec
The monster is scary.
Cause its Snake. I tak suka Snake >.<
24th Dec
It is okay as well.
Jack Black's fat tummy is... gross. hahaha
23th Dec
This is Awesome.
I Love it a lot lot lot lot lot..
20th Dec
Dont Watch.
Dont waste you $$, please..
20th Dec
The graphic was awesome, as I watched 3D
Storyline... okok je..
Im not ready for Final!!