Thursday, October 13, 2011


You can be surprise to see this.

Ma life is Miserable.
I somehow lost ma direction,
I dont seems to know what I want.

Changes should be made.

I needa reduce ma Coffee Intake.
You can be surprise to see this.
Even Im surprise that I actually think in this way.
Of course, there are reasons behind why I feel so.
I will try ma best to reduce.
A coffee a day.

I know that Im fat.
You dont have to tell me and make me feel bad bout it.
Applause for you,
I will diet.

Im always late.
And I just cant figure out why.
Even if I wake up at 10am for the 12pm class,
Im still LATE.
I will be punctual start from today, 


Sorry to ma blog,
for neglectin you.

You're ma Homework.

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